
SMT Solver

继上篇有关 SAT 的介绍,我们接着展开看看 SMT - Satisfiability Modulo Theories。 SAT 是基于布尔逻辑回答某个命题的可满足性,如\(x \vee y\)。但现实中有各种其他的理论, 如实数理论等:\(a < c \vee a > b\),那我们怎么判断这种公式的可满足性呢?

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而约束求解就是在给定约束的情况下,如果可满足(Satisfiable)我们就返回一组解, 如果不可满足,我们就给出一个较小的矛盾集(Unsatisfiable core)。

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对于矩阵\(A\),我们假设有关于矩阵\(A\)\(n\)次多项式 \(f(A) = c_nA^n+c_{n-1}A^{n-1}+\cdots+c_1A+c_0E\)
那么假设我们知道\(A\)的特征值\(\lambda_1,\lambda_2, \cdots, \lambda_n\)


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GPU, Graphics Processing Unit, is initially designed to accelerate image rendering such as video games. For its high performance at parallel computation, it has become a great processor for accelerating DL/ML training.

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ELF, Executable and Linking Format (ELF) files, is a universal binary format in Linux. As its name suggests, any executable or linking files in Linux are in format of ELF, which consists of an ELF header, followed by a program header table or a section header table, or both. The two tables describe the rest of the particularities of the file.

The header file <elf.h> defines the format of ELF files and related C structures.

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Value Numbering is a universally useful optimization implemented by most compilers like Clang, GCC, etc. Traditionally GVN can be divided into Hash-Based and Value-Partitioning. The former handles algebraic simplifications but locally. The latter is global but handling only simple redundancies. K. C and T. S came up with a new method to solve it for SSA.

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Debugging programs remains a significant topic in software engineering field. Especially in system software like Compiler, it's difficult to pinpoint the root and solve relative problems.
For my recent work on LLVM, I'd like to share some experience about it.

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Common sub-expression elimination (CSE) is an important optimization for compilers, which is similar to partial redundancies elimination optimization.
CSE is designed to eliminate those expressions with identical and semantically equivalent components, with consideration for some properties like commutativity, associativity of operators.
For LLVM, there is EarlyCSE pass as one of implementation for CSE. The "Early" in EarlyCSE means that simple, fast and can be applied in every stages it needs.

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